I am having doubts about this oil spill and its greasy players, but perhaps I'm too suspicious, but:
Don't you find it puzzling that BP has been allowed to blatantly and arrogantly ignore US energy and environmental agencies' mandates? I must look at information and try to answer the questions I have, the answers to which should either disperse or confirm supicion: here we go:
Who is US Energy Secretary?
Dr Steven Chu
What did Stephen Chu do before becoming US Energy Secretary?
He was head of a science laboratory at the University of California.
Where did Mr Chu's laboratory get major funding?
When Mr Chu was head of that laboratory, it received a $500 million(five hundred million) grant from BP.
Dr Steve Kooning, formerly BPs chief scientist
Conclusion: Grease works!
And GREED KILLS (again!)
1 comment:
It's all so very nicely 'wrapped up', every way we look; is there any surprise? It's not easy to get to the BOTTOM of any given (or more often the case, not given) piece of news/information. They are working towards the calculated responses they want, no one will stand in the way of such dark,intermingled POWER!
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