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Friday, March 5, 2010

Failure In Fallujah!

Bush ordered Fallujah to be essentially destroyed in 2004.

Tens of thousands of children have died directly as a consequence of Bush's war; a war of occupation, thirst for world domination and greed that was based exclusively on lies and deceit. In addition to the spike in birth defects, a whole generation of Iraqi children will face a lifetime of physical and emotional wounds. Based on a survey of 10,000 primary school students 70% of children are suffering from trauma-related symptoms reports the Iraqi Society of Psychiatrists and the World Health Organization.

"We The People" in the United States, must recognize that a government that spoke in our name committed some of the worst atrocities in modern times. And it continues to do so! We cannot and must not remain silent! Our leaders failed us and continue to do so by not ensuring that Bush & Co. are brought to justice!
CBS News reports, “Doctors and parents in the Iraqi city of Fallujah are blaming a sharp increase in the number of birth defects on the highly sophisticated weapons U.S. troops have used in the city during the war.”
The BBC reported Thursday ” the staggering statistic from doctors in the city that the number of heart defects found in newborn babies is 13 times the number of similar birth defects in Europe.”
The CBS story states: “British-based Iraqi researcher Malik Hamdan told the news organization that one doctor compared the number of birth defects from before 2003 to today. Before the war began, she saw about one case every two months. Now she sees cases every day".
“Her research shows that as of January, the rate of congenital heart defects was 95 per 1,000 births or 13 times Europe's rate.”
Bush is guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity. How will “We The People” hold him accountable? Will we remain silent?

1 comment:

Kucinich said...

FOL = Failures Of Leadership are all around US!