Current events are becoming an increasingly rich pool of lessons for all.
I see lessons…I see lessons everywhere….
I see lessons…I see lessons everywhere….
Ok let me get immediately to two current examples of unaccountability gone awry, in high places; a word about their consequences and then my final cautionary observation/question for all of us, regardless of the organizations we work for, serve, live in...
1) US General McChrystal, who this year took over invasion and occupation operations in Afghanistan, said that the cornerstone of his strategy would be to eliminate or greatly minimize civilian casualties; when recently confronted with why it hasn't happened, he said that most of the recent civilian casualties occurring are caused by the US special forces who "unfortunately are accountable to no one"...I say: - really "General"?
2) The Pope, a well known micromanager and punctilious detail oriented manager (I know priests who have worked for him in Rome), claims uncertainty as to whom the pedophile men of the cloth, were accountable and that he knew nothing. I say: - really, "Your Eminence"?
The consequences of just these two "unaccountability" examples, will be disastrous and we are already seeing that: the majority of the people of the world is questioning the wisdom of both of these institutions, the credibility of their related power structure, AND the genuineness of their respective proclaimed “missions” : Anyone paying attention, cannot deny that there is an invasive, palpable, erosion of trust of even the most passive, sleepy citizens, and furthermore, I contend it will lead to dissent, dissatisfaction and defection.
Look at your organizations' power structure, its organizational charts (written and unwritten), its sacred cows and then, with a clinical eye look carefully if there’s anyone whose behaviour tells you that they believe and operate as if they are “above the law”. Let's look critically, with courage, at the organizations we serve and let's ask ourselves these questions:
>Do I have anyone who is accountable to no one?
>Do I have anyone immune to regular policies and procedures?
>Do I have anyone whose performance is not measured and documented? Not only by their superiors but by those they serve?...
If you or I answered yes to any of the above questions; what will we do? Because I assure you, the"unaccountable/above the law" types will be the cause of dissent, dissatisfaction, defection and ultimately destruction. Really!
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