Welcome to MythsAmerica. Our objectives are:
1)to share ideas, reactions and thoughts and counterpoints on current events and on the often unilateral and revisionist interpretations of facts and history
2) To stimulate and exchange constructive, challenging and stimulating dialogue
3) To promote constructive, meaningful action for a more peace oriented, more just world

Friday, February 26, 2010

Palestine: "Just like a mini Tuscany"- Mayor of Jerusalem today

Just today the mayor of Jerusalem says he intends to demolish 120 homes of Palestinians, and give them apartments, generous man that he is (he's a multi- millionaire by the way). He says, get this!...once the houses are razed, "the area will become a mini Tuscany"...

What a hypocrite, greedy, uneducated stupid man he is!
A mini Tuscany!!!...does he know anything? Who does he think will buy that unfounded, uneducated, insensitive and idiotic statement? Let's see:
- in Tuscany, the Olive trees smile and thrive at the hands of the locals who tend their ancestral land
- In Tuscany Olive trees and vineyards are sacred!
- in Tuscany generations and generations live happily on their ancient lands and hand made stone homes
- in Tuscany people don't ever have to worry about bulldozers coming in and destroying their homes
- in Tuscany, the fig trees are respected, revered and provide joy and income and are shared by all inhabitants
- In Tuscany anyone can visit and there are no checkpoints!
- In Tuscany there does not fly a flag that represents theocratic hegemony
- in Tuscany people come and go as they please
- in Tuscany children smile and can play everywhere
- in Tuscany the partisans rebelled and ousted the Nazi genocidal occupiers!
How dare he say that once he knocks their houses down, the Palestinians in Jerusalem will enjoy life as in a mini Tuscany!

Mr Mayor, what the Palestinians need is NOT a "Mini Tuscany"! They need a full fledged, wholesome, unoccupied, FULL PALESTINE!

Thursday, February 25, 2010



The entire economy of Greece is about to fall into an abyss of financial ruin craftily created by savvied financial wizards of Wall/War Street: the advisors and traders, the likes of Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase.

Who will suffer? Naturally the hardworking people and the working poor!
Who will benefit? Traders and the financial advisors and rich investors

I’ll spare you the gory details and leave you with telling quotes which appeared today:

• “It’s the blind leading the blind,”
-Sylvain R. Raynes, an expert in structured finance at R&R Consulting in New York.

• “It’s like buying fire insurance on your neighbor’s house — you create an incentive to burn down the house,”- Philip Gisdakis, head of credit strategy at UniCredit in Munich.

• “…traders who own these swaps stand to profit” –NYTimes today

• “In common parlance, these bankers are rats. They gain your trust, you share with them your confidences and they sell you out to the highest bidder .Anyone who has seen Goodfellas knows what happens to rats” .
-Saranac 21s UES February 25th, 2010 7:00 am in the NY Times comments section

Bottom Line: GREED KILLS

Italian Poem & Translation: Esistere e' Resistere/ To Exist is To Resist

Esistere e' resitere

Resisto perche' esisto
Mi disse Mahmoud
Nel pianeta che ci vorrebbe morti
All'ombra del muro che cementa
L'odio e divide l'anima di ogni
Giorno trivellata dall'ingordigia del
Capitalista pancione mangione
Resistere e' esistere
Anche nel ruscello inquinato
Che non abbevera piu'
Gli escrementi del genocidio
Visibili a tutti.
Il mondo si volta e ci lascia alla putrefazione
Del giorno che vorrebe penetrare anche i nostri
Antichi scudi di cuoio umano che
Resiste, sanguina, si rimargina, sanguina, resiste
Resistere e' esistere
Nel vecchio uliveto violentato
Dalla ruspa dell'odio
Discriminatorie pale d'acciaio fuse nel Texas e DC
Vorrebbero sradicare anche I nostri cuori
Frammentati ma non spezzati nell'arido deserto delle nostre speranze
E rivedo il vecchio Comanche che mi saluta e scompare, ormai solo, in un recinto Bianco
Di nuova vernice che sgocciola e tinge anche la terra
Il pozzo dei sogni e' ormai dall'altra parte dell'uliveto fantasma
E dormire e' solo un movimento di spartiti di vita incompiuti
Esisto un altro giorno mi disse Mahmoud
Perche' forse oggi scrivero' una canzone per Gaza
Resisto un altro giorno mi disse Mahmoud
Perche' anche se non voglio piu’ rime
Vorrei vedere il sorriso di un bimbo che esiste


To Exist is To Resist

I resist because I exist
Told me Mahmoud
In the planet that would see us dead
In the shadow of the wall that
Cements hate and slices the soul
Daily target of greed to feed the big belly capitalist
To Resist is To Exist
Even in the polluted stream
That no longer quenches,
The excrements of genocide
Visible to all
The world turns the other way and leaves us to the
Daily putrefaction that would want to penetrate our
Ancient shields of human hide,
Which resist, bleed, heal, bleed, resist
To Resist is To exist
In the old olive orchard raped
By the bulldozer of hate
Discriminatory shovels from the foundries of
Texas and DC would like to uproot
Even our hearts
Fragmented but not broken in the arid desert of hopes
I see once again the old Comanche who waves at me and disappears, now alone, behind A white fence of
Fresh paint that drips and covers the ground
The font of dreams is now on the other side of the phantom orchard
And sleeping becomes just a movement
Of unfinished music sheets of life that should have made sense
I exist another day told me Mahmoud
Because even if I gave up on rhymes that make sense
I haven’t given up on seeing a child who exists

Mm (durante un bianco mattino in autobus; during a white morning on a bus)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Flushing Terrorists and Doubting Thomas

Call me cynical, a doubting Thomas or even incredulous...
But today's headline in most papers to the effect: "Guilty Plea Made in Plot to Bomb New York Subway"...has tickled my cynical incredulous fancy.
Not that I don't wan't terrorists or war criminals to be brought to justice and punished! Of course. One should only know my disappointment at our law enforcement authorities for letting George the minor & Co. go free. But I guess it must be much harder to extract confessions from the Colonial Criminal in Crawford Comfort, than from a self-described suicide bomber (with bomb making beauty products)who attended Flushing High School,who gave up and confessed because he was scared to be under surveillance.

Here's what fuels my suspicion. Only one uncomfortable fact:
The fact that Eric Holder felt necessary to accompany the recent triumphant news of this confession with this statement:
"This is not some kind of partisan political attempt to try to shape an election ".
Fascinating statement. Even if my suspicion is wrong (which I hope it is...) At the very least It proves that while Mr Holder firmly assures us that this is "not a partisan political attempt", it suggests unequivocally that, sometimes (not this time) "partisan political attempts to shape elections" do take place. So I would ask Mr Holder and illuminated colleagues to then either teach us the finer points of recognizing which are the politically driven, election shaping, attempts and which are not, OR lacking the teaching credentials or pedagogical skills to hold class... OR... at least from now on, just tell us which are "Politically Driven, Election Shaping" news reports and which are not; simply code each headline by placing the acronym next to the headline: PDES or NOT PDES this way we'll have transparency we can believe in and we'll be safer...

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Problem Of Sudden Acceleration

It was never clearer to me than today, that our Nation cares more about an automotive malfunction than governmental malfunctions;

Is a report on automobile malfunction which, so far has not caused any deaths, more important than a report on War Crimes, documenting genocidal atrocities which, so far have caused the death and destruction of thousands of men, women and children, and the accelerated displacement of surviving native people?

Here are the reports in question:

Report on “Potential” automotive Malfunction: The House Energy and Commerce Committee Report on Toyota’s Potential Sudden Acceleration,More than 75,000 pages of documents were produced and read! To address “the risk” of sudden unintended acceleration,”
Reams of pages read carefully and quoted, praised and covered by every media outlet.
Government Actions taken to address the car problem: “We’re going to hold Toyota’s feet to the fire and make sure they do what’s necessary.” – US Transportation Department

Report on Governmental Malfunctions causing human deaths and misery:The Goldstone Report(Report of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict 575 pages of documentation; 23 Chapters of proof articulating a sensible recommendation to get a credible investigation into the alleged war crimes that the Goldstone commission found evidence of in Gaza.
Government Actions taken to ad dress the Gaza conflict: Report rejected - US House Of Representatives

Sudden acceleration of complicity!

 AHAVA: Stolen Beauty

CODEPINK : AHAVA: Stolen Beauty

Welcome to AfghanistNam!

In today’s NY Crimes there’s a report that “an airstrike against what was believed to be a group of insurgents ended up killing at least 27 civilians in Oruzgan Province”. So much for the “clean new tactic” of sparing civilians and conquering hearts and minds! This is not a War Game!
Disappointing, disturbing and deadly double talk! Again!

The other disturbing fact is that the article is quick to quote our military leaders who say that the Dutch were involved in this… wait a minute aren’t they all part of the same “coalition”? …when good things (whatever those are: least bad?) happen, it’s the US that does it but when things go awry it’s because someone else did it…or because our local “allies” are not up to the task…

Welcome to AfghanistNam!

Big Government:Reflection from Minnesota and Texas

Last week 2 men, disappointed at big government, delivered a similar message, in different parts of the country, using drastically different delivery methods

In Minnesota
Speaking to a group of constituents a politician said: "We should take a nine iron and smash the window of big government in this country". He later said he meant is figuratively.
- Minnesota Governor

In Texas
A computer engineer committed suicide by flying his plane into the windows of a Government building. He left a detailed manifesto.
- Texas Madman

Man in Minnesota
Was his statement an expression of genuine anger and discontentment? Should his comments be viewed as suspect because he too is part of "Big Government"...or perhaps, by being in it, he knows what's wrong and will do something concrete about it?

Man in Texas
Did you read his statement? Was his act simply one of a mad man or was it the cumulative acts of our government that made this citizen so hopeless?...
(My Note:Killing is never justified; this was a tragic, desperate act; I am saddened immensely by it.)

What do you think? Any lessons? What do we do now?...