Welcome to MythsAmerica. Our objectives are:
1)to share ideas, reactions and thoughts and counterpoints on current events and on the often unilateral and revisionist interpretations of facts and history
2) To stimulate and exchange constructive, challenging and stimulating dialogue
3) To promote constructive, meaningful action for a more peace oriented, more just world

Monday, July 19, 2010

“Public Good”

The title of an article in today’s NYTimes informs us that :

"Pakistan’s Elite Pay Few Taxes"
The article’s opening and self-righteous propagandistic salvo further reveals, accusatorily and without a scintilla of self-analysis, that:

The lack of a workable tax system feeds an inequality in Pakistani society, where the wealth of its most powerful members is not redistributed or put to use for public good."
Then, I guess  that

• the world’s largest taxpayer funded military budget

• the billions spent on political campaigns

• the world’s 37th ranked health care system

• epidemic and continuous environmental disaster cover ups

• rampant financial frauds

• pervasive predatory lending

• reductions in social services for the elderly

• our subpar public educational system

• our corporate profit driven University system

• our taxpayer funded bailouts

• the maintenance of military bases all over the world

• the maintenance of a health care system that is rated 37th in the world

• the support of sieges of innocent native communities, i.e. native Americans, Palestinians, Haitians…

are all paragons of  PUBLIC GOOD!