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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Flushing Terrorists and Doubting Thomas

Call me cynical, a doubting Thomas or even incredulous...
But today's headline in most papers to the effect: "Guilty Plea Made in Plot to Bomb New York Subway"...has tickled my cynical incredulous fancy.
Not that I don't wan't terrorists or war criminals to be brought to justice and punished! Of course. One should only know my disappointment at our law enforcement authorities for letting George the minor & Co. go free. But I guess it must be much harder to extract confessions from the Colonial Criminal in Crawford Comfort, than from a self-described suicide bomber (with bomb making beauty products)who attended Flushing High School,who gave up and confessed because he was scared to be under surveillance.

Here's what fuels my suspicion. Only one uncomfortable fact:
The fact that Eric Holder felt necessary to accompany the recent triumphant news of this confession with this statement:
"This is not some kind of partisan political attempt to try to shape an election ".
Fascinating statement. Even if my suspicion is wrong (which I hope it is...) At the very least It proves that while Mr Holder firmly assures us that this is "not a partisan political attempt", it suggests unequivocally that, sometimes (not this time) "partisan political attempts to shape elections" do take place. So I would ask Mr Holder and illuminated colleagues to then either teach us the finer points of recognizing which are the politically driven, election shaping, attempts and which are not, OR lacking the teaching credentials or pedagogical skills to hold class... OR... at least from now on, just tell us which are "Politically Driven, Election Shaping" news reports and which are not; simply code each headline by placing the acronym next to the headline: PDES or NOT PDES this way we'll have transparency we can believe in and we'll be safer...

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