Welcome to MythsAmerica. Our objectives are:
1)to share ideas, reactions and thoughts and counterpoints on current events and on the often unilateral and revisionist interpretations of facts and history
2) To stimulate and exchange constructive, challenging and stimulating dialogue
3) To promote constructive, meaningful action for a more peace oriented, more just world

Friday, February 19, 2010



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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Addicted to Hopeium

The Hope, the Hype and... the Pipe; It was a good smoke...

The Obama blunt packed with good, organic, domestic Hopeium was good and it didn't take long for it to became an International addiction...I admit that early on, I too was addicted to Hopeium!...the dealers of Hopeium did their job so well that even in my circle of very well informed and open minded friends and acquaintances, some very good people still maintain a suspended level of reality, displaying reckless rejection and denial of the facts as the smoke of Hopeium lingers in their heads and continues to fill their lungs with psychedelic fantasies and eloquent nothingness; If they would only stop smoking they would see/hear/imagine?... a not so psychedelic parade of facts, from some "non-smokers" and maybe even a reality trip featuring the Top Hopium Dealer Himself...and MythsAmerica...it would go something like this:

- Guantanamo? Naah...let's keep it open. I was only kidding. I was new to the job. Give me a break Myths!
- Bush? he wasn't a bad guy, c'mon I get a lot of templates from him; you know I can copy some proven stuff without reinventing the wheel; but...let me be perfecly ehmm.. blunt: I mean I am not enamored with the guy, but you know...next question...
- Economic Crisis? No problem. We'll pass the biggest Military budget ever. You know the weapons industry. Good for America!
- Health care? Forget about it. Not to worry. It will be different. Oh yeah...OK...so it will be camouflaged as "reform" and it will amount to a clever bailout of the big Insurers. Yes but everyone will be insured...kind of...
- Still in Iraq? Yes but we're there just to train the people who love us
- Indefinitely in Afghanistan?looks that way but maybe sooner; really man, because guerilla warfare doesn't work and these insurgent sheepherders will run out of food and water. Actually, the locals are starting to welcome us.
- Pakistan?. Sure, c'mon you know we have to be there too. Also makes sense since we're in the neighborhood and it's good to garner support from the people.
- Yemen? They'd better watch out! They'd better be nice! We're there already!
- Iran? Oh man, they too better watch out! Throw away those nuclear thingys...what? yeah, yeah, I have authorized allocating $86 billion to build a new reactor in Georgia(usa) but ours is only for energy purposes.
- Palestine? No worries; we'll treat them as well as we treated the native Americans. Eh maybe we'll give 'em discounte Hopeium. Only kidding. I don't think they'll buy our brand of hopeium...
- Wall Street? We're looking out for them. We've slapped their hand, ok? So as long as they lay low they'll be back in business. Derivatives 'R US! Oh baby! We can all make money!
- Military bases? Get real! We just don't have enough... Yes they cost a bit but we're putting only bigger and better ones in countries with good food like Italy(DalMolin) and Japan(Osaka)
- Facts? Facts smacts, get real Myths America! The people are smoking some fine Hopeium man! Don't give 'em any ideas! Want a drag?


From Haaretz
Protesters against Israel's policies in the West Bank have added a colorful twist to demonstrations, painting themselves blue and posing as characters from the movie Avatar.

Pro-Palestinian participants in weekly demonstrators against the route of the separation fence in the village of Bil'in, and the takeover of Arab homes in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, have also donned long hair and loincloths to resemble the 10-foot blue-skinned Na'vi of Avatar.

The demonstrators compare the Palestinians to the Na'vi - an indigenous people on the moon Pandora who find themselves up against militarily superior foreign invaders who seek to oust them from their homes.

Does Our Military Teach History to Our Troops?

Well, it so happens that while just the other day US Military "leaders" (small "l") in Marja(Afghanistan) said that this would be over in 2 or 3 days as the "insurgent"(partisans?) would run out of food and water, in the mountains, our poor soldiers are now starting to take sniper fire from distances of 700 yards plus...
Why, they were supposed to be running out of food and water?...and we captured most of their leaders? How could they rebuild their units so rapidly?
How could they be so resilient?

The guerrilla warfare is on!... and this, I sadly suspect is only the beginning. Had the lessons of history been imparted, our poor troops should have, at the very least learned what General Maxwell Taylor learned and reported in 1964:
"The ability of the Viet-Cong continuously to rebuild their units and make good on their losses is one of the mysteries of the guerrilla war...Not only do they have the recuperative powers of the phoenix, but they have an amazing ability to maintain morale"...

Ciao Bella Ciao!