Welcome to MythsAmerica. Our objectives are:
1)to share ideas, reactions and thoughts and counterpoints on current events and on the often unilateral and revisionist interpretations of facts and history
2) To stimulate and exchange constructive, challenging and stimulating dialogue
3) To promote constructive, meaningful action for a more peace oriented, more just world

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Dear Mr President, help us understand:

1. Why in your Nobel Prize for Peace acceptance speech, you used the term “WAR"(and related terminology) about three times as much as the term “PEACE” ?

2. Why did you accept the Nobel Price for Peace 9 days after you sent in 30,000 additional soldiers to fight in Afghanistan?

3. Why did you condemn, in various speeches during the Wall Street crash, the corruption and greed of unscrupulous executives, but then go ahead and appoint rich ex Wall Street executives to your cabinet?

4. Why did you recently condemn violence in the recent Arizona shooting saying in essence that violence is never the answer, but you authorize occupation and killing in Afghanistan?

5. Why did you approve the largest military budget in US history while the Country was in an economic crisis and people were losing jobs, homes and hope?

6. Why does your government continue to send military aid to the Israeli military forces, while at the same time you denounce genocide and apartheid?

7. Why did you condemn only recently the actions of the dictator of Tunisia while you knew well before that the US sold military arms/supplies to him, prior to his ousting?

8. Why do you demonize and isolate certain countries who produce nuclear power when you know quite well that in the US we are very diligently and busily creating nuclear power as well?

9. Why, if we really have health reform for all, as it’s been publicized to the rest of the world… my 85 yr old father, a veteran on a limited income, must still buy his own supplemental health insurance to ensure adequate coverage?

And…please tell us:

10. Why in June of 2009 in Cairo you said : “those who stand for justice will always be on the right side of history”, but instead your government continues to keep private Bradley Manning in solitary confinement when he is in fact standing up for justice by divulging war crimes?
We voted for you: we want to know!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

In your last speech you said the U.S. has to win the future, Who then shall lose?