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Friday, April 26, 2013

Were the Boston Bombers Double Agents"?

The Tsarnaev brothers were double agents who decoyed US into terror trap .... ?
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis April 20, 2013, 4:39 PM (GMT+02:00)

TTamerlan Tsarnaev killed. His brother Dzhokhar captured

The big questions buzzing over Boston Bombers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev have a single answer: It emerged in the 102 tense hours between the twin Boston Marathon bombings Monday, April 15 – which left three dead, 180 injured and a police officer killed at MIT - and Dzohkhar’s capture Friday, April 19 in Watertown.
The conclusion reached by debkafile’s counterterrorism and intelligence sources is that the brothers were double agents, hired by US and Saudi intelligence to penetrate the Wahhabi jihadist networks which, helped by Saudi financial institutions, had spread across the restive Russian Caucasian.
Instead, the two former Chechens betrayed their mission and went secretly over to the radical Islamist networks.
By this tortuous path, the brothers earned the dubious distinction of being the first terrorist operatives to import al Qaeda terror to the United States through a winding route outside the Middle East – the Caucasus.
This broad region encompasses the autonomous or semi-autonomous Muslim republics of Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Chechnya, North Ossetia and Karachyevo-Cherkesiya, most of which the West has never heard of.
Moscow however keeps these republics on a tight military and intelligence leash, constantly putting down violent resistance by the Wahhabist cells, which draw support from certain Saudi sources and funds from the Riyadh government for building Wahhabist mosques and schools to disseminate the state religion of Saudi Arabia.
The Saudis feared that their convoluted involvement in the Caucasus would come embarrassingly to light when a Saudi student was questioned about his involvement in the bombng attacks while in a Boston hospital with badly burned hands.
They were concerned to enough to send Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saudi al-Faisal to Washington Wednesday, April 17, in the middle of the Boston Marathon bombing crisis, for a private conversation with President Barack Obama and his national security adviser Tom Donilon on how to handle the Saudi angle of the bombing attack.
That day too, official Saudi domestic media launched an extraordinary three-day campaign. National and religious figures stood up and maintained that authentic Saudi Wahhabism does not espouse any form of terrorism or suicide jihadism and the national Saudi religion had nothing to do with the violence in Boston.  “No matter what the nationality and religious of the perpetrators, they are terrorists and deviants who represent no one but themselves.”
Prince Saud was on a mission to clear the 30,000 Saudi students in America of suspicion of engaging in terrorism for their country or religion, a taint which still lingers twelve years after 9/11. He was concerned that exposure of the Tsarnaev brothers’ connections with Wahhabist groups in the Caucasus would revive the stigma.
The Tsarnaevs' recruitment by US intelligence as penetration agents against terrorist networks in southern Russia explains some otherwise baffling features of the event:
1.  An elite American college in Cambridge admitted younger brother Dzhokhar and granted him a $2,500 scholarship, without subjecting him to the exceptionally stiff standard conditions of admission. This may be explained by his older brother Tamerlan demanding this privilege for his kid brother in part payment for recruitment.
2.  When in 2011, a “foreign government” (Russian intelligence) asked the FBI to screen Tamerlan for suspected ties to Caucasian Wahhabist cells during a period in which they had begun pledging allegiance to al Qaeda, the agency, it was officially revealed, found nothing incriminating against him and let him go after a short interview.
He was not placed under surveillance. Neither was there any attempt to hide the fact that he paid a long visit to Russia last year and on his return began promoting radical Islam on social media.
Yet even after the Boston marathon bombings, when law enforcement agencies, heavily reinforced by federal and state personnel, desperately hunted the perpetrators, Tamerlan Tsarnaev was never mentioned as a possible suspect
3.  Friday, four days after the twin explosions at the marathon finishing line, the FBI released footage of Suspect No. 1 in a black hat and Suspect No. 2 in a white hat walking briskly away from the crime scene, and appealed to the public to help the authorities identify the pair.
We now know this was a charade. The authorities knew exactly who they were. Suddenly, during the police pursuit of their getaway car from the MIT campus on Friday, they were fully identified. The brother who was killed in the chase was named Tamerlan, aged 26, and the one who escaped, only to be hunted down Saturday night hiding in a boat, was 19-year old Dzhokhar.
Our intelligence sources say that we may never know more than we do today about the Boston terrorist outrage which shook America – and most strikingly, Washington - this week. We may not have the full story of when and how the Chechen brothers were recruited by US intelligence as penetration agents – any more than we have got to the bottom of tales of other American double agents who turned coat and bit their recruiters.
Here is just a short list of some of the Chechen brothers’ two-faced predecessors:
In the 1980s, an Egyptian called Ali Abdul Saoud Mohamed offered his services as a spy to the CIA residence in Cairo. He was hired, even though he was at the time the official interpreter of Ayman al-Zuwahiri, then Osama bin Laden’s senior lieutenant and currently his successor.
He accounted for this by posing as a defector. But then, he turned out to be feeding al Qaeda US military secrets. Later, he was charged with Al Qaeda’s 1998 bombings of US embassies in Nairobi and Dar es-Salaam.
On Dec. 30, 2009, the Jordanian physician Humam Khalil al-Balawi, having gained the trust of US intelligence in Afghanistan as an agent capable of penetrating al Qaeda’s top ranks, detonated a bomb at a prearranged rendezvous in Kost, killing the four top CIA agents in the country.
Then, there was the French Muslim Mohamed Merah. He was recruited by French intelligence to penetrate Islamist terror cells in at least eight countries, including the Caucasus. At the end of last year, he revealed his true spots in deadly attacks on a Jewish school in Toulouse and a group of French military commandoes.
The debate has begun over the interrogation of the captured Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarmayev when he is fit for questioning after surgery for two bullet wounds and loss of blood. The first was inflicted during the police chase in which his brother Tamerlan was killed.
An ordinary suspect would be read his rights (Miranda) and be permitted a lawyer. In his case, the “public safety exemption” option may be invoked, permitting him to be questioned without those rights, provided the interrogation is restricted to immediate public safety concerns. President Barack Obama is also entitled to rule him an “enemy combatant” and so refer him to a military tribunal and unrestricted grilling.
According to debkafile’s counter terror sources, four questions should top the interrogators' agenda:
a) At what date did the Tsarnaev brothers turn coat and decide to work for Caucasian Wahhabi networks?
b) Did they round up recruits for those networks in the United States - particularly, among the Caucasian and Saudi communities?
c)  What was the exact purpose of the Boston Marathon bombings and their aftermath at MIT in Watertown?
d) Are any more terrorist attacks in the works in other American cities?

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Friday, March 22, 2013

Cause of Deficit? WAR STREET:How US spends its budget

NO Explanation Needed! DO NOT BE SILENT...mm

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

9 Winnng Leadership Lessons From the US Presidential Campaign:

by Maurizio Morselli

There is always so much to learn; the latest US election provided a number of important winning leadership and communication lessons; here are nine lessons which sum up some foundational winning factors.

1. Belief is number one: Believe in something or keep saying you believe in something with popular appeal and stick to it. Believe that you will win! Believe that the people will believe you.

2. Attention to Words: language usage matters. Write or have others write speeches for you. If you are uncomfortable speaking from the heart, use teleprompters always. Just "act" as if you were saying it from the heart and meant it.

3. Mainstream the message: Appeal to popular needs and make promises aimed at meeting those needs. Repeat the message continuously through slogans and mottoes and marketing tools and paraphernalia.

4. Best Technology: use it to your advantage and to promote your agenda. Use all available social media and aggressive marketing strategies! Have a savvy team of technologists working for you. You are a product that must be sold!

5. Organize Alliances: make alliances with powerful and rich who can support you. If you happen to be really rich you can also use a lot of your own funds(they are tax deductible anyway!) Lobbies & famous people are a must to have on your side. Naturally you will owe them after but then again you'll be president.

6. Obstacles discovery. If you discover or suspect something fishy in your organization prior to your re-appointment, keep it under wraps until you're appointed and then condemn it and say you knew nothing about it. This will elevate your honorable figure even more

7. Zeal: zealously repeat a message with mass appeal to as many as possible; keep the main message the main message. For instance, continue to say you believe in peace although you may approve an even larger military budget; it doesn't matter what you do:  what you "say" is of such impact that  you may even win a Nobel Price for the inebriating power of the repetitive message alone, and not for an actual fact or delivery of concrete actions.

8. Love your wife in public; show affection and sweetness in public. A happy traditional family creates a winning picture.

9. Expect to win every time

In case you would like to quote the above but cannot remember all 9 lessons, use the initial letters of each factor together to spell an easy- to-remember acronym . 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Una riflessione di un Americano che ora vive in Italia e che vede il magnifico dipinto intitolato "America" con diversi "occhiali", forse piu' critici di quando ero dentro il quadro.

Molte persone, tra cui molti colleghi in Islam celebrano la vittoria di Obama. Certamente congratulazioni. Meglio Lui di Romney. Vorrei pero' ricordare al popolo che esulta, che in primo luogo il voto cosiddetto democratico e' stata solo una scelta per il male minore;  in secondo luogo, entrambi i candidati sono solo uomini di punta del "Cartel" di banchieri corrotti e dei sionisti che guidano gli Stati Uniti e Gran Bretagna in una guerra senza fine. Alcune donne mi dicono che Obama è per i diritti delle donne - e rispondo: forse si... se non sei una donna afgana o una donna pakistana / donna somala / donna palestinese / donna yemenita o una donna irachena. Per quanto riguarda le donne negli Stati Uniti sappiate che gli USA possono manipolare le statistiche riguardanti lo stupro, l'omicidio e abusi contro le donne; lo possono fare su google; ma informatevi, please da varie fonti! Se si crede che TUTTE le donne hanno diritti umani e che la dignità dell' occidente e' superiore, allora e' una chiara indicazione che codesti "credenti" hanno passivamente accettato un calcolato lavaggio cerebrale.
Graze e saluti
Maurizio M

"In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king..." - D.C. 11/7/2012


"Some people including some of my brothers and sisters in Islam are celebrating Obama's win. Can I remind everyone that firstly the so called democratic vote was only a choice of voting for the lesser of two evils, secondly, both candidates are only front men for the corrupt cartel of bankers and zionists who lead the USA & UK into endless war. Some women say to me Obama is for women's rights - well I say not if you are an Afghan woman or a Pakistani woman/Somali woman/Palestinian woman/Yemeni woman or Iraqi woman. As to women in the USA they can check out the statistics for the rape, murder and abuse against our gender on google, to believe that women have human rights & dignity in the west can only mean that they have been totally brainwashed by the main street media."
- Laura Stewart

Sunday, November 4, 2012

A Tour Of Washington DC: The One THEY never show

                                            A 10 DAY TOUR OF WASHINGTON DC

Washingto DC Day 1
Washington DC Day 2
Washington DC Day 3
Washington DC Day 4
Washington DC Day 5
Washington DC Day 6
Washington DC Day 7
Washington DC Day 8
Washington DC Day 9(Watergate Hotel...)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

1968: Mi Chiamavano “Spaghetti” 

Galleggiai sulla scia schiumosa e candida del transatlantico dei sogni
Gioia adolescente appena sbarcata alla scoperta di tutto              
E cominciai a paragonare quel tutto alle dolci albe
Delle mie terre verdi nel cuore
Che lasciai con sventolate di ricamati stendardi da taschino
Mi ci asciugai le lagrime e poi il sudore;
arrivammo e non c’erano i boccioli di pesco per il maestro
Ora sul nuovo porto
Non c’erano i muggiti che sapevano della campagna di nonna
Non c’erano le carezze dei venti nostrani che mi riempivano i polmoni di trebbiatura 
Il vento aggressivo e pungente di New York mi schiaffeggio’ incessante nel mio nuovo paesaggio di cemento, che ci prese a bersaglio ma che mai riusci’ a centrarci...
Cosi’ mio padre comincio’ il nuovo sudore che spalmava come amara marmellata quotidiana sul pane insapore nella cassetta di sogni incompresi
Ma la radice del partigiano e’ una dei forti
Soffrivamo nel disperato silenzio e nel continuo abbozzare di chi ce la deve fare
Le prime lezioni le passeggiate nel Bowery
Le botte, le manette del subway e il Vietnam fuori e dentro
Le rivolte violente e fughe da manganelli oppressivi
E sorvolavo scontento le nubi artificiali, fumogene, della mia nuova realta’
L’opportunita’ difficile a vedere anche nei giorni di volatile gioia
Il soprannome Spaghetti quel giorno, nelle vecchie aule di razzismo e incomprensione,
riverbero’ pungente nella melma del mio nuovo oceano
studiavo, soffrivo, lavoravo, soffrivo, lavoravo, studiavo
lavapiatti, carpentiere, muratore, venditore, carrozziere, cameriere, studente
non vedevo sorrisi  e non capii che forse si dovevano  prender da soli
questo self-service sociale mi colpi’ a mitraglia e ferendomi, mi fece bene
comiciai a costruire il mio scudo
entrando apprendista nel corral di cavalli e cavalieri selvaggi;
e tra la polvere, i calci e la muffa di coloniasmi rimasi a cavallo; ritrovai il coraggio del partigiano che m’insegno’mio padre; la nostra e’ una radice di forti
spostatevi che mi faccio avanti, la sella fatta a mano resiste e trionfa,
cosi’ al galoppo sfrenato ma determinato
programmai il cuore a giornata
diventai subdolo e fluido camaleonte
il freddo d’inverno non pentetrava piu;  galoppavo sicuro
lavoravo, studiavo, soffrivo, lavoravo, studiavo, combattevo con arsenale di lingue, esperienze e sudori e cominciai a rivedermi piu’ forte
e nelle albe dei grattacieli coperti come visione in aliante librata su fumi di fabbrica e libri, rividi contento le terre verdi lasciate dai ricamati stendardi da taschino. 
Non mi chiamano piu’ “spaghetti” nelle nuove aule di razzismo e incomprensione

Maurizio Morselli